For each marketing project, our written plan guides our actions and the evaluation to prompt recommendations for future steps. (On-going) Tracking results and having a solid plan to communicate internally, among team members, is essential to long-term success. Our actions: For The Blende Dental Group, created Facebook Ads, which doubled number of Facebook fans during the campaign, 2 months. Results used to budget further spending on social media. For The Estée Lauder Companies, performed process analysis to study the new product development process and make recommendations for each group; achieved 20% reduction in new product development time-to-market and a similar reduction in product development costs through initiating specific measurements and automating product development. For Procter & Gamble, France, researched the effectiveness of the ‘in-person sampling campaign’ to capture consumer interest; presented recommendations to management which led to product sample strategy changes and $2M savings.Roll out and Adjust the Plan
Our Results