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Impact of Net Neutrality Repeal on Marketing

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In light of the repeal of Net Neutrality last week, I enjoyed reviewing this MarTech piece on the impact of the repeal of Net Neutrality on the field of digital marketing. Obviously, unlike TV advertising and billboards, both paid and organic marketing on the internet have provided organizations, big and small, the opportunity to use the power of their content to appeal to the specific markets of customers who need our services. That is to see, if we are skillful, those who need a specific product or service can use the internet to eventually find us. It has been gratifying in my work to meet patients who say, “As the result of a few searches, I was able to find your organization and get access to the care I needed,” and continuing with a sentiment like the following, “I would not be here today, and in good health, without the internet and the follow-up communications I received from you.”

As a result of the repeal, we may now be faced with new factors that impact our access to those interested in the topics and services we cover. How and when this impacts us is a work-in-progress, but marketers will be unpacking the issue, in the coming weeks and continuing our efforts to help match the resources with the customers who need them.



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